AsianCristine - Trans woman Escort in Virginia Beach, VA

Virginia Beach, VA
Last On: Today, 01:27
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Home Virginia Beach, VA
GPS Virginia Beach, VA
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my stats
I Am Trans woman
Age 18
Ethnicity Asian
Body Skinny
Position Versatile
Height 5'4" - 158 cm
Weight 120lbs - 54 kg
Hair Black
Eye Color Black
Breasts Medium
Penis Size 5 In - 12cm
Butt Round /bubble butt/
Available For All
Circumcised Yes
Tattoos No
Piercings Yes
Smoking Yes
Thickness Average
Health Status
HIV Status Negative
Incall N/A
Outcall 1000
Overnight 2000
ts escort in Virginia Beach, VA
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About Me

Newbie Petite Exotic Asian TS

Your All-Time-Favorite Transsexual playmate.
Hello My Lover,

You are a gentleman who has an impeccable taste and enjoy the finer things in life. Quality over quantity. A lover who has a strong desire to make a genuine connection. I am delighted you have found me.

My name is TS Cristine, your ultra-feminine trans girlfriend. I am based out of Jacksonville FL who frequently tours the US and has an availability to travel with you anywhere in the world. (Passport ready)

I am a free-spirited bombshell who truly loves having a passionate connection. I like to think of myself as someone who's loving, kind, charming, bright, and engaging. So full of life and has an appetite for new adventures.

Be ready to indulge and be captivated by my presence.

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